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"6S" in the Warehouse Management application

6S is the finishing (SEIRI), rectification (SEITON), cleaning (SEISO), cleaning (SEIKETSU), literacy (SHITSUKE), self (SELF-CRITICISM) 6 items, due to are "S" at the beginning, referred to as 6S. 6S Shop can be effectively applied to improve the Shop's warehouse management efficiency.

1, 6S of the six major utility

6 S that is also a Sales, saving, safety, standardization, satisfaction, self-advancement.

6S can increase sales (Sales)
Clear inventory information will allow the owner at a glance, to know when the timely replenishment of stocks and when to engage in promotional clear inventory.

6S is to save at home (Saving)
Can reduce a lot of unnecessary storage space occupancy to reduce the storage manager "look for" waste, which will help speed delivery to enhance and improve product efficiency and productivity.

6S on secure and safe (Safety)
Broad bright, broad vision of the warehouse, at a glance; comply with display restrictions, insecurity at a glance; channel clear and will not cause messy conditions affecting the customer shopping smoothly.

6S is a promoter of standardization (Standardization)
"3 fixed, 3 element" code of principles for on-site operations; all the correct implementation of its mandate in accordance with regulations; program stability, and to bring quality and stability, and cost stability.

6S form a satisfactory workplace (Satisfaction)
Bright, clean workplaces; staff hands-improvement, there is a sense of accomplishment; can create on-site staff to improve the entire atmosphere.

6S is the employees who self-development and the cultivation of (self-advancement)
We all develop good habits, constant self-examination, the promotion of personal qualities has been increasing.

2, 6S specific applications

1, finishing (SEIRI)

The warehouse of goods and goods classification, and to eliminate slow-moving items on a regular basis, defective products, expired products off the shelf immediately and will immediately clean up unused items.

Finishing Objective: To make room, so that storage will play a bigger value. For various reasons, Shop, there is often unsalable goods, defective goods, expired goods produced, accounting for normal goods display space, added to stocks.

Note that point: should have the determination to unsalable goods, defective products, expired products and non-use of items to be disposed flatly.

Implementation of the essentials: a comprehensive examination, including the visible and invisible; the development of commodity-out, off the shelf and articles immediate "use" and "instead of" distinguishing benchmarks; will not have items removed from the warehouse; pairs of items that need to investigate the use of the frequency of decide the number and placement of daily use; developing warehouse commodity management approach; daily self-examination.

2, rectifying (SEITON)

After finishing the warehouse of the goods or removed products back side of display space should be required from time to time, and finishing row Tim cargo plane, namely: the maintenance of displays. Huddle to prevent misplacing, labeling is unclear, leading to the phenomenon of commodities can not find.

The purpose of consolidation: storage of goods and identify at a glance; to eliminate the time looking for items; effectively reduce the inventory of goods.

Note that point: This is the basis of efficiency.

Implementation of the essentials: the work of finishing the previous step to be implemented; flow arrangement to determine the placement sites; provides placement, explicit quantity; places, items identified.

3, cleaning (SEISO)

Cleaned the warehouse and maintain warehouse clean and beautiful environment.
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